Amarillo Fellowship Church Is Premier Christian Community Church In Amarillo
Amarillo Fellowship Church is a vibrant Christian community Church in Amarillo, committed to spreading the teachings of Christianity and fostering a welcoming environment for individuals and families, they provide a place for worship, fellowship, and personal growth.
Q:What time is youth? Or my grandson is 4 and I would like to try this Church family!!!
1st service is at 9:30am. I believe the next one is at 11am. I don't belong to this church, but would visit often on the Sundays I worked. Loved this church. Pastor Ritchie teaches the word. Try googling them and find all times for sure.
MMrs. Jones
4 years ago
Q:Does anyone know of any place that might be able to help with a gas bill?
Try St. Mary's or Trinity Fellowship. Also try calling the 211 number, which is Tyler Resource Center, now named something else.
MMrs. Jones
5 years ago
Call the gas company. They should have a payment plan
TThomas Grabber
5 years ago
Q:When is trunk r treat?
If you go to the website it should show you if I can find it again I got it on my Facebook Messenger or through Facebook when they do the events but it should be on there app sorry I don't remember but if you received an invite it should be on the app or the advertisement if you seen it on Facebook