
The Burger House / The Coffee House

VerifiedBusiness and Investment


Location 1025 Green Acres Rd, Eugene, OR, USA 97408

Email ID

Business On Google Map


Hamburger Restaurants Eugene OR

The Burger House is a traditional yet totally unique restaurant located in the Delta Oaks trading area right next to the Home Depot and across from the Market of Choice.

Services Provided

Additional Details

  • Wheelchair Accessible Entrance

  • Children are Welcome

  • Delivery Option is Available

    • Wheelchair Accessible Restroom Available

    • Restroom Available

      Questions and Answers

      Q: (Traduit par Google) Est-ce-que vous livrez (Original) Do you deliver


      (Traduit par Google) Oui, ils utilisent la livraison de canards affamés (Original) Yes, they use hungry ducks delivery

      • S
        Sr. Kobe
      • 7 years ago

      (Traduit par Google) Oui, ils livrent ; Cependant, seulement grâce aux canards affamés, comme ils l'ont dit. (Original) Yes, they do deliver; However, only through Hungry ducks like they said.

      • L
        Lon Turner
      • 7 years ago

      (Traduit par Google) Canards affamés (Original) Hungry ducks

      • t
        tina stanfa
      • 7 years ago

      Q: (Traduit par Google) Pourquoi un restaurant de hamburgers n'a-t-il pas de hamburgers dans son menu pour enfants ? (Original) Why does a burger place have no burgers on their kids menu?


      (Traduit par Google) Parce que le burger/cheeseburger du menu en dollars est de petite taille, surtout si vous le comprenez clairement. (Original) Because the dollar menu burger/cheeseburger is a small size, especially if you are getting it plain.

      • E
        Elizabeth Loughman
      • 5 years ago

      (Traduit par Google) Les ouvriers étaient super mais je n'ai pas été impressionné par la nourriture (Original) The workers were great but I wasn't impressed with the food

      • d
        dennis bartow
      • 5 years ago

      Q: (Traduit par Google) Vous ne mélangez pas de lait à vos milkshakes ? Parce que les deux fois où j'en ai commandé un, cela ressemblait à une tasse pleine de glace molle. C'est tellement riche et lourd que ce n'est pas agréable avec un hamburger. Et ce n'est pas un shake, c'est juste une tasse de glace (Original) Do you not mix any milk into your milkshakes? Because both times I have ordered one it just seemed like a cup full of soft serve ice cream. It's so rich and heavy it's not enjoyable with a burger. Also that isn't a shake, it's just a cup of ice cream


      (Traduit par Google) Il suffit de le laisser reposer environ 30 minutes, puis c'est parfait. Vous laisse le temps de manger votre burger avec une paire de baguettes. (Original) You just have to let it sit for about 30 minutes, then it's perfect. Gives you time to eat your burger with a pair of chop sticks.

      • j
        jameson downs
      • 2 years ago

      (Traduit par Google) C'est la chose la plus stupide que j'ai jamais entendue de ma vie. Et boire de la glace à moitié fondue est dégoûtant (Original) That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life. And drinking half melted ice cream is disgusting

      • J
        James Brown
      • 2 years ago

      Q: Do you deliver


      Yes, they use hungry ducks delivery

      • S
        Sr. Kobe
      • 7 years ago

      Yes, they do deliver; However, only through Hungry ducks like they said.

      • L
        Lon Turner
      • 7 years ago

      Hungry ducks

      • t
        tina stanfa
      • 7 years ago

      Q: Why does a burger place have no burgers on their kids menu?


      Because the dollar menu burger/cheeseburger is a small size, especially if you are getting it plain.

      • E
        Elizabeth Loughman
      • 5 years ago

      The workers were great but I wasn't impressed with the food

      • d
        dennis bartow
      • 5 years ago

      Q: Do you not mix any milk into your milkshakes? Because both times I have ordered one it just seemed like a cup full of soft serve ice cream. It's so rich and heavy it's not enjoyable with a burger. Also that isn't a shake, it's just a cup of ice cream


      You just have to let it sit for about 30 minutes, then it's perfect. Gives you time to eat your burger with a pair of chop sticks.

      • j
        jameson downs
      • 2 years ago

      That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life. And drinking half melted ice cream is disgusting

      • J
        James Brown
      • 2 years ago

      Photos from the Web

      The Burger House / The Coffee House

      VerifiedBusiness and Investment


      Location 1025 Green Acres Rd, Eugene, OR, USA 97408

      Email ID

      Business On Google Map